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HUD Invests in Lead Hazard Reduction

The funding goes toward the removal of lead paints and lead pipes from older homes.

The Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has released $140 million to help states and local governments remove products containing lead from older homes. The department has selected 36 governments in 19 states that contain a sizable number of older homes to receive this funding, prioritizing investments in low-income homes. These grants will be used to fund the lengthy processes required to remove lead-based paint from interiors and exteriors, and can be used to address other lead-based hazards as outlined.

“Today, we are renewing our steadfast commitment to improving the lives of children and their families,” said HUD Secretary Marcia Fudge. “The funding provided today will enable communities to make the homes of families of limited means healthier, and improve their children’s school attendance rate, learning, and, eventually, job prospects.”

As the Lord Leads, Pray with Us…

  • For Secretary Fudge as she coordinates funding to remove lead paint and pipes from older homes.
  • For HUD officials as they seek to ensure the safety of lower-income family homes.

Sources: Department of Housing and Urban Development


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